Why Join the Pennsylvania Retailers' Association?
1. Business Protection
Protecting Pennsylvania’s retail businesses before state lawmakers is PRA’s primary function. When you join PRA you hire a full-time team who provides expert testimony at legislative and regulatory hearings, develops legislation, and works with government agencies to ensure fair treatment of the retail industry.
2. Legislative and Regulatory Affairs
PRA members can request the latest updates or clarification on any state or federal law. We help you stay on top of legislative and regulatory issues impacting your business through various forms of communication.
3. Immediate Answers
Are you confused by ever-changing laws and regulations? PRA can help you understand what laws mean to your business. When you have an issue with state government, PRA is your contact.
4. Full-Time Presence
Located directly across from the State Capitol in Harrisburg, PRA has a powerful and full-time presence before our state’s lawmakers
5. Top-Notch Experience
No other state business association is more qualified to serve your retail business. Protecting Pennsylvania retailers since 1932, we know the legislative process, the key players, and how to get things done.
6. Networking Opportunities
Your ability to meet other business professionals through PRA can expand your relationships, share ideas and develop industry contacts.
7. Money Saving Services
Today’s business environment makes it difficult to maintain a competitive edge. Operating costs take a huge bite out of profits. PRA offers members group discounts on services including insurance options, credit card processing, etc. that you may not have access to as an individual business.
8. Strength in Numbers
As a member of the PRA, you have joined other large and small retail businesses across the state providing strength to bring about change. The larger we get, the more influence we can exert to help your business succeed.
While survival in the Retailing Industry has never been tougher, our members both large and small have found a strong ally in the PRA! Join us today so you too can discover the benefits of membership.
1-800-727-3824 info@paretailers.org |
Calendar of Events
Mark your Calendars!!!
Tuesday, September 27th, 2016
Via Conference Call @ 2:00 pm EST
5:00 - 8:00 pm
Harrisburg Hilton
& Towers
One N. Second St. Harrisburg, PA
Contact the PRA Office for more information
Find us on Facebook & Twitter!
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For membership opportunities call the
PRA Office at
717-233-7976 or
We're here to help Pennsylvania's retailers